Capton Partners provides financial and tax advisory services for corporates and investors in mergers and acquisitions.

Our core service is financial and tax due diligence. Get to know our services offering!


Transaction services

Our transaction services include due diligence and closely due diligence-related services. Our approach is practical and we aim to provide customers with the best arguments for transaction negotiations. As a result, our customer gets a clear understanding of how the due diligence findings feed into the valuation parameters and to final purchase price mechanism.

Financial due

In financial due diligence we focus on the key valuation parameters to ensure that the financal purchase price reflects the valuation assumptions applied in the original bid. Our due diligence is not just a ”tick the box” due diligence, but instead it provides deeper understanding of the key value drivers such as sustainable net sales and EBITDA levels, capital committed and net debt position.

Sale purchase
agreement support

Sale purchase agreement (SPA) support is an important phase taking place just after (or during) due diligence. SPA support includes definition and preparation of purchase price mechanism and providing support in negotiations. Our aim is to ensure that the due diligence findings is to be correctly reflected in the final purchase price and terms of the transaction. This is the phase where experience matters.

Deal structuring

Transaction structuring aims at defining the most appropriate legal transaction structure which accounts for tax consequences resulting from the transaction and profit distribution.

Real estate
due diligence

In real estate transactions we provide financial and tax due diligence services as well as SPA support. Our seasoned advisors coordinate the whole due diligence palette for you.

Independent partner
for your benefit