Capton Partners provides financial and tax advisory services for corporates and investors in mergers and acquisitions.
Our core service is financial and tax due diligence. Get to know our services offering!
Financial modeling
Financial models are critical supporting materials for several business decisions. Hence, it is important that a model provides the required information accurately. We offer professional modeling services in both building the models and in reviewing them.
modeling support
Financial models are critical supporting materials for several business decisions. Reliable financial modeling calls for special expertise, which we have in our team. In making significant business decisions it is critically important that the calculations prepared for this process are as accurate as possible. It is commonly known that complex financial models are error-sensitive. For this reason it is advisable to outsource model building to professional modeling experts.
Model review
Make your numbers right! Building of a model should always be concluded by model review where the review is performed by a person independent from the modeling process. Model review comprises both software based and manual verification of formulas, logic and functionalities. Model review is a critical step as it ensures that the financial material prepared for decision making purposes is as accurate and flawless as it can be and that the decisions to be made are based on accurate numbers.
Independent partner
for your benefit.