Capton Partners Oy provides Financial and Tax Due Diligence as well as transaction modelling for Adara Pakkaus Oy in the acquisition of ER-Pahvityö Oy. ER-Pahvityö, founded in 1990, is a company specialized in the design, sales, and manufacturing of corrugated cardboard packaging. After the completed acquisition, ER-Pahvityö will continue its operations independently as a subsidiary of Adara Pakkaus.
Adara Pakkaus Oy’s turnover was 43.1 million euros in 2023. ER-Pahvityö’s turnover was 4.7 million euros in the financial year ending in January 2024.Adara Pakkaus Oy’s turnover was 43.1 million euros in 2023. ER-Pahvityö’s turnover was 4.7 million euros in the financial year ending in January 2024.